Re: OMG Ontology Metamodel Definition Review

Thanks, that's helpful ... at a personal level I would be uncomfortable 
with the previously highlighted paragraph being forwarded as part of a 
WG review; I'm trying to sound out some of my colleagues who are more 
knowledgeable on UML than me, but it feels like I can leave it at the 
level of Jeremy disagrees with Phil rather than escalate to HP disagrees 
with IBM!

(I guess I should try and articulate why I disagree with you .. 
hopefully before the telecon tomorrow)

I suspect some of my comments lean in the other direction, I'll try and 
highlight those ones when I write them up tomorrow.


Phil Tetlow wrote:
> Jeremy,
> Certainly. My recollection of the last telecon was that Guus asked for a
> personal review of the ODM document and, as such, I tried hard to phrase my
> mail from a first person perspective. The text below, as you quite
> correctly identified, is, hence, solely a collection of personal thoughts
> and in no way represents IBM's corporate opinion. If a corporate opinion is
> required then this will take significantly more time and effort.
> Nevertheless I did pass my review by Bob Lojek for comment before I
> submitted to the public mailing list . As such I have also copied him on
> this mail as well.
> Kind Regards
> Phil Tetlow
> Senior Consultant
> IBM Business Consulting Services

Received on Wednesday, 26 January 2005 17:00:48 UTC