[WNET] Telecon to restart TF

Hi all,

I propose to have a telecon dedicated to the WordNet TF before the 
f2f (March 3rd). I'll be on holidays from Feb 24th to Mar 4th, but I 
suppose the TF can be discussed at the f2f without me either :).

New material to be discussed has been uploaded on 
http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/BestPractices/WNET/ (see this morning's 
messages), and more is going to come in next days.

Proposed dates:

Thursday 17th, 15:30 GMT (London)
Friday 18th, 11:30 GMT
Wednesday 23 14:00 GMT

Draft outline

- Advancement of WN2.0 datamodel (last version uploaded on WNET page, 
hopely Christiane can join us)
- Relations to ISLE-MILE Working Group (hopely Nancy Ide or Nicoletta 
Calzolari can join us)
- OntoWordNet and possible plans for an open call to distributed 
improvement of WN modules by expertise
- Relations to OEP (for OntoWordNet, modularization, and design 
patterns) and PORT (for WN datamodel vs. SKOS vs. MILE)


Aldo Gangemi
Research Scientist
Laboratory for Applied Ontology
Institute for Cognitive Sciences and Technology
National Research Council (ISTC-CNR)
Via Nomentana 56, 00161, Roma, Italy
Tel: +390644161535
Fax: +390644161513

!!! please don't use the old gangemi@ip.rm.cnr.it
address, because it is under spam attack

Received on Wednesday, 16 February 2005 17:01:59 UTC