[All] I'm Back

Hi all,

My involvement with SWBP is restarting after a six week hiatus.  My 
apologies to all who were effected by my absence.

Some of you may know that Tucana Technologies, Inc., ceased operations 
due to a cash liquidity crisis in late December.  Our lead investor 
pulled out and the company is now in the midst of an asset sale.  This 
necessitated the removal of Tucana support for DAWG and SWBP 
participation as the staff found work at other companies and 
institutions.  I have only just returned from an extended trip to 
Australia to shut down Tucana operations there.  I am now working part 
time with the MIND Lab at the University of Maryland 
(http://www.mindswap.org) and consulting the remainder of the time.

My sincere thanks to Ralph Swick and Guus Schreiber for doing my work, 
Eric Miller for insisting that a W3C affiliation could be arranged and 
Jim Hendler for providing me the opportunity to work with UMD (and 
hence W3C).

Principal, Software Memetics, LLC

Received on Friday, 11 February 2005 16:47:37 UTC