Re: OEP and SE


You may well have a point here, but demarcation is, nevertheless,
important. If you have any thoughts on additional words for the SE terms of
reference, they would indeed be appreciated.

Jeff and I have discussed the remit of the proposed task force on a number
of occasions now and we are both keen to make this a distinct and
significant contribution to the Working Group. Furthermore, I hope that the
very establishment of such a task force will send a strong and clear signal
out the wider IT industry. If this is tainted with even the slightest
controversy I fear that minor issues could be amplified out of all
proportion by those who do not share our enthusiasm for the Semantic Web.
So I am obviously keen to get things right early on.

Perhaps I might suggest the following change to the SE ToR as a starting

To investigate potential synergies between the Semantic Web and domains
more traditionally associated with Software Engineering. This is to enable
the promotion and cross-pollination of both new and established ideas
between the two communities, potentially relating to:
o     Use cases
o     THE APPLICATION of models, patterns and frameworks
o     Methods and tools
o     Underpinning technologies
o     Best practice

Kind regards

Phil Tetlow
Senior Consultant
IBM Business Consulting Services
Mobile. (+44) 7740 923328

             23/11/2004 14:40,               
                                       Phil Tetlow/UK/IBM@IBMGB            
                                       Re: OEP and SE                      

Jeff Pan wrote:
>I would like to discuss with you the relationship between the OEP  TF and
>proposed SE TF.
>As mentioned in [1], the distinction between the two TFs is clear, i.e.,
>is more about engineering and patterns of ontologies, while SE is more
>the use of ontologies in software architecture and lifecycles. The SE TF
>of reference [2] explicitly states that the scopes of the two TFs are
disjoint.> >
>There are some potential connections between the two TFs. For instance,
>"Mapping from UML to OWL" is a suggested topic in OEP TF [3], the results
>from which could be applied in topics in SE TF, such as "Ontology-Driven
>Software Engineering".

I don't really believe that there is a clean demarcation line between the
scopes of these two Task Forces.  For each item of work we may choose a
single home, but that choice sometimes will be arbitrary.  The Semantic
Integration note is a case in point.

This is not a problem in my view.  As long as we don't have turf battles or
contradictory notes.  Its better to spend time writing notes than writing
careful scope descriptions.  (Now, if I could just find some time to write


Received on Wednesday, 24 November 2004 20:44:58 UTC