Re: Comment: The only property that can have a class as its value in OWL DL and OWL Lite

> In [1], it says
>  "The only property that can have a class as its value in OWL DL and 
> OWL Lite is rdf:type (and its subproperties). "
> But, it seems not true.
> To best of my understanding,  OWL DL and OWL Lite  inherit rdfs:domain 
> and rdfs:range from RDF Schema, and these two properties have classes
> as their values.

Yes, you are absolutely right -- thank you very much  for pointing this 

> Furthermore, class restrictions, e.g. owl:allValuesFrom,  also use 
> classes as values by using following three triples, for example:
> anAnonymousClass rdf:type owl:Restriction.
> anAnonymousClass owl:onProperty aProperty.
> anAnonymousClass owl:allValuesFrom aClass.

You are probably right here too (definitely on the substance). These 
are indeed property values (although it maybe a bit counter-intuitive 
to think about them in this way).

I'll clean it up in the next version.


Received on Monday, 2 August 2004 20:35:59 UTC