Re: [WRLD] issue from Jena-dev

Jeremy Carroll wrote:

>> I'm not sure if this counts as best practice, but we use a simulated
>> stochastic process to determine which Semantic Web language is being used
>> by a particular file. You can see a demo of our technique at:

> I think that qualifies under the "sorting out the mess that we've made"
> Isn't
> intended as an RDFS file, not OWL Full?
> (The semantics differ ...)

I think that this rather proves Ian's point - I'm using Sean's species
validator behind the scenes (and a few simple and no doubt defeasible
heuristics), and it reports it as OWL Full. Maybe the question should
instead have been "what is the best practice for *indicating* which
semantic-web language and encoding is being used"?

> It made me laugh though.

So justifying the (minimal) effort...
Nick Gibbins                                  
IAM (Intelligence, Agents, Multimedia)             tel: +44 (0) 23 80598347
Electronics and Computer Science                   fax: +44 (0) 23 80592865
University of Southampton

Received on Thursday, 1 April 2004 04:52:11 UTC