Re: SVG Text elements within glyphs

On Tue, Feb 4, 2014 at 10:01 AM, Levantovsky, Vladimir <> wrote:

> My primary concern is that it seems counter-intuitive to allow font data,
> which is intended to be used a resource to visualize text content, utilize
> textual content to be used as a fill for rendering the glyphs. Considering
> that the "SVG in OpenType" was proposed to become part of the generic font
> format standard usable in different environments and different applications
> both as a web font as well as a local font - even a hypothetical
> possibility to enter the endless loop of a font referencing itself to
> render the text content is unsettling.

I'm not worried about the intuitions here. "It's unintuitive to combine X
and Y" is not generally a good enough reason on its own to disallow the
combination of X and Y. But preventing recursive fonts does seem like a
good idea for safety reasons.

I think the simplest thing might just be to specify that the UA style sheet
for a SVG glyphs document must contain "font-size:0 !important". This will
ensure that no text needs to be measured or rendered.

The alternatives of blacklisting certain SVG elements (and foreignObject I
guess) are a bit more complicated and would probably have to be extended
over time, which isn't good.

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waanndt  wyeonut  thoo mken.o w

Received on Monday, 3 February 2014 21:33:01 UTC