Re: Draft SVG Community Group charter for discussion [via SVG Community Group]

Reminder: last chance to comment on the SVG community group charter or to
suggest questions for an introductory survey.

I'll send out the survey / call for consensus on the charter around this
time tomorrow.


On Thu, 4 Apr 2019 at 13:24, Amelia Bellamy-Royds <> wrote:

> Hello again,
> If you've been meaning to read through the proposed SVG CG charter (
> to make comments,
> please do so by April 11.
> After that, I'll be starting the one-week formal decision process (as
> outlined in that charter), asking you to vote to officially adopt it for
> the group.
> I've created two issues on the Charter Drafts repo for items already
> discussed by email:
>    - Defining incubation (#200)
>    <>
>    - Dependencies & Liasons: explicit list or by reference to SVG WG?
>    (#201) <>
> Please add comments to either of those, or create a new issue if you have
> other concerns or suggestions.
> I'll be making final edits & sending out the call for consensus starting
> on April 12 (next Friday, North American time). I'll use the W3C's
> “Web-Based Straw-Poll” (WBS) system to get your votes.
> I'm planning to include a few optional questions in the WBS poll, for
> getting to know you and what you want from the community group. Let me know
> before then if you have any suggestions for questions to ask your other CG
> members.
> PS: We've now got 32 group members
> <>. But we could always
> use more! Tell your friends, tell your colleagues, tell the person who's
> always complaining about how SVG isn't good enough & how the working group
> never listens.
> ~Amelia

Received on Thursday, 11 April 2019 18:17:57 UTC