Re: meeting at TPAC, agenda planning

On Thu, 2017-11-09 at 17:59 +0000, Dirk Schulze wrote:
> Is there an agenda? Would be great to know what gets discussed when.
> Especially since some are in the European timezone.

We're currently on transforms. There's no formal agenda since we aren't
chartered to meet.

We are in #svg and there's a 'phone.


> Greetings,
> Dirk
> On 9. Nov 2017, at 18:04, Tavmjong Bah <<mailto:tavmj
>>> wrote:
> On Wed, 2017-11-01 at 17:14 +0000, Chris Lilley wrote:
> On 31-Oct-17 15:36, Liam R E Quin wrote:
> We have the Thursday and Friday set aside for us to meet; a few
> people
> signed up, but probably not enough for a two-day meeting.
> Unless I hear otherwise by the end of today, I'll ask W3C admin to
> mark
> our meeting as Thursday only. That way we can all be around on the
> same
> day...
> That works for me, though I have a conflict Thursday afternoon.
> I can try to put together an agenda with Bogdan.
> Technical items I'm aware of:
> * AAM editor (we have a volunteer, thank you Ian!) and outlining
> what's
> to be done
> * addressing existing issues
> In particular, identifying the highest priority ones and also
> deciding whether any existing issues should be deferred to a later
> version.
> * test planning
> * spec pruning, identify unimplemented items to drop from 2.0
> Sounds good to me.
> As I probably won't be able to follow the discussion in irc I would
> like to give a brief statement on Inkscape's status on items in SVG 2
> that we are particularly want to use or are using. We have
> implemented:
> * Text: Wrapping via 'shape-inside' and 'inline-size'. Basic
> rendering via 'shape-inside' is in our last public release. More
> complex rendering via 'shape-inside' and rendering of 'inline-size'
> is in our development code. We have GUI code that hasn't been merged
> yet for both. There is some work that needs to be done to round-trip
> SVG 2 text output that includes SVG 1.1 fallback. Our intentions is
> that the GUI code will be in our next public release.
> * Meshes: Both rendering and GUI for creating (available in our last
> public release). Note there are also two independent polyfills for
> meshes.
> * Hatches: Rendering but not in GUI.
> * Styling:
> ** 'fill'/'stroke' context-fiil andd context-stroke: Implemented in
> public release.
> ** 'marker-orientation' 'auto-start-reverse': Implemented in public
> release.
> ** 'white-space': Implemented in public release.
> ** 'vector-efffect': 'non-scaling-stroke': Implemented in public
> release.
> ** 'text-decoration-fill', etc.: Implemented in public release.
> ** 'font-variant-ligatures', etc.: Implemented with GUI in public
> release.
> * etc.
> I have tons of test created while these were being implemented that I
> can convert to reftests. I've started doing so at:
> b-platform-
> tests&data=02%7C01%7C%7C95b8c561368b42d6287308d527941c97%7Cfa7b1b5a7b
> 34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C636458439452595739&sdata=OYOD5v4oVBt
> Ep0Utyh1vqk6RNO%2BoXl8Y%2B5zS0S0OL60%3D&reserved=0>;
> I'm committed to providing tests for all the features that Inkscape
> considers important.
> Tav
Liam Quin, W3C,
Staff contact for Verifiable Claims WG, SVG WG, XQuery WG

Web slave for

Received on Thursday, 9 November 2017 18:30:26 UTC