text selection test

text-tselect-01-b asserts that text selection shouldn’t span multiple
<text> elements:


Safari allows text selection across <text> elements.  This doesn’t seem
like such a bad thing.  Are we sure we want this not to be allowed?

Relatedly, I see this in text.html#TextSelection:

  A text selection operation starts when all of the following occur:
    * no links or events have been assigned to the ‘text’, ‘tspan’ or
      ‘textPath’ element(s) (or their ancestors) associated with the
      given glyph.

Shouldn’t this be if the events handlers don’t call preventDefault()?
Also, I’m sure there is a test in the test suite that requires text
selection works on a <text> element in in <a>.  (Although I am not sure
how useful that requirement is, given how HTML content typically works.)

Cameron McCormack ≝ http://mcc.id.au/

Received on Thursday, 20 January 2011 03:52:05 UTC