using WOFF versions of FreeSans in addition to SVGFreeSans

Would anyone object if I added a WOFF fallback for SVGFreeSans (and all
its variations) to the test suite?  This can let browsers that support
WOFF but not SVG Fonts, like Firefox, get rendering that is more
consistent with the test slide.  It also helps to avoid any problems in
the fallback system fonts.  For example, in text-tspan-02-b, we run into
a bug in Helvetica on Mac, which causes ligatures not to be disabled
properly, resulting in the “fi” in “specified” not rendering.[1]
Specifying a WOFF version of SVGFreeSans would help us pass this test,
which isn’t intending to test anything about ligatures anyway.

Actually, I don’t mind whether we do this or not, but feedback on
whether this would be a good/bad idea is appreciated.


Cameron McCormack ≝

Received on Wednesday, 12 January 2011 03:46:02 UTC