Re: Problem with struct-cond-02-t.svg

Alex Danilo:
> There's a minor problem with struct-cond-02-t.svg in the published
> test suite.
> All of the various languages are set to display at x,y = 20,220.
> However, when choosing Arabic (ar) or any other right-to-left
> language this means that the text should be drawn from right to left
> and hence ends up off the left side of the viewport.
> This is similar to the bug that was fixed on text-intro-05-t.svg
> after the test-fest last year.
> The simplest fix is to just add text-anchor="end" to all of
> the right-to-left dominant language strings.

Agreed.  Which languages other than ar and he are rtl in that test?

Cameron McCormack ≝

Received on Wednesday, 23 September 2009 01:42:20 UTC