Ambiguity in glyph element definition

Hello public-svg-wg,

There is an ambiguity in the 1.1 SE spec, which says

  The graphics that make up the ‘glyph’ can be either a single path data specification within the ‘d’ attribute or arbitrary SVG as content within the ‘glyph’. 

(not the "either" but also says

  If the ‘glyph’ has both a ‘d’ attribute and child elements, the ‘d’ attribute is rendered first, and then the child elements.

I believe that some implementations ignore child elements if there is a d attribute. (This ambiguity is the subject of a current errata item).

Suggested fix:

  The graphics that make up the ‘glyph’ can be a single path data specification within the ‘d’ attribute,  arbitrary SVG as child content within the ‘glyph’, or both. 

If we agree, I will update the SE text.

Also, child elements of glyph are untested in the test suite. Doug and I discussed this on the phone earlier and came up with several things that should be tested. I plan to ad some to the test suite over the next week or two and will add them into the wiki as they are done.

 Chris Lilley          
 Technical Director, Interaction Domain
 W3C Graphics Activity Lead
 Co-Chair, W3C Hypertext CG

Received on Thursday, 10 September 2009 13:05:42 UTC