Error in struct-cond-210-t.svg

Hi All,

	I don't know if this has been noted before but there
appears to be an error in struct-cond-210-t.svg.

	The snippet from the middle:
        <circle xml:id="ref-source" cx="150" cy="120" r="25" />

        <radialGradient xml:id="ref-gradient">
          <stop offset="0" stop-color="green" />
          <stop offset="1" stop-color="lime" />
        <circle xml:id="ref-source-gradient" cx="150" cy="240" r="25" fill="url(#ref-gradient)"/>

    <use xlink:href="#ref-source" x="180" fill="lime" />
    <use xlink:href="#ref-source-gradient" x="180" />
    <circle xml:id="ref-source" cx="150" cy="240" r="25" fill="url(#ref-gradient)"/>
has 2 elements with xml:id="ref-source".

This appears to be not well-formed XML with duplicate xml:id values.

Not sure if I have the latest head of CVS test, but this is problematic.


Received on Wednesday, 9 September 2009 13:44:21 UTC