New Template for SVG Full 1.1 2nd Edition Tests


In the last telephone conference [1], I was given ACTION-2375 [2] to generate a 
new template for SVG Full 1.1 2nd Edition Tests.

Attached to this email is the template I've created. The template is not checked 
in because of the questions (below) I have.

1. The name of the file template11-f.svg is the same as the old template name. 
Is this ok? Or should we call it a name different to the old template name (e.g. 

2. I think a suitable place (in the archive) for the template is in 
"\profiles\1.1F2\test\templates\". Is this path ok? (Note: this path does not 
exist yet).

3. This relates more to the procedure when creating tests [3]; I think the 
"accepted" value for the "status" attribute in a test should should be changed 
to "approved" and the "approved" attribute be removed altogether. I don't quite 
understand from the procedure document what the purpose of the "approved" 
attribute is.

Any feedback on these questions or on template itself would be greatly appreciated.




Received on Thursday, 11 December 2008 05:36:02 UTC