Welcome, Mozilla

Hi, Folks-

I'd like to take this opportunity to formally welcome Mozilla to the SVG
WG (and to the SVG IG, as well).  Jonathan Watt, who most of us know,
will be representing Mozilla for SVG.  Jonathan was formerly a
participant of the SVG WG as an employee of Joost, but Mozilla wisely
hired him as an employee to help implement their native SVG support,
based on his past contributions to the MozSVG codebase.

Jonathan, please feel free to introduce yourself, and to let us know
your priorities for participating in the SVG WG and for the Firefox

It's great to have Mozilla actively participating!

-Doug Schepers
W3C Team Contact, SVG and WebApps WGs

Received on Wednesday, 3 December 2008 22:32:08 UTC