ISSUE-2134 (use element ambiguities): Ambiguities in the 'use' element [Last Call: SVG 1.2 Tiny ]

ISSUE-2134 (use element ambiguities): Ambiguities in the 'use' element [Last Call: SVG 1.2 Tiny ]

Raised by: Doug Schepers
On product: Last Call: SVG 1.2 Tiny 

Cyril Concolato
* Section 5.6
The following sentence is unclear:
"If an event listener is registered on a referenced element, then the actual target for the event will be the SVGElementInstance  object within the "instance tree" corresponding to the given referenced element."
What is the difference with the next paragraph ?

In this section, the spec explain the transfer of attribute from a use element to an hypothetical g element. In this explanation, why is the 'xlink:href' of a use element transfered to the generated content? What is the purpose?

I think there is an editing mistake in this section. It says: 
"except for resolution of relative IRI references as noted above and until the referenced elements are modified. Note also that any changes to the used element are immediately reflected in the generated content. " 
The first sentence is incomplete.

Could you add a clarification explaining what happens to id and xml:id attributes in the deep-cloned tree? For example, between examples 05_13.svg and 05_14.svg, ids have been remove. Please explain also what happens to xlink:href attributes  especially that internal references to the cloned tree are replaced by 'scoped' references.

Example "image-use-base.svg" contains errors. The use element does not have width and height attributes.

According to the example image-use-base.svg, the content of xml:base is not simply transfered to the "generated 'g'  element" but the xml:base is resolved before transfering in it to the generated 'g' element. Could you clarify this process?


Received on Monday, 13 October 2008 17:14:14 UTC