Re: <script> elements running only once

On Jun 9, 2008, at 12:58 AM, Cameron McCormack wrote:

> Hi Doug.
> Doug Schepers:
>> I think aligning is a good idea.  I recall the discussion behind  
>> this,
>> and I thought we had pretty good rationales, but there may be good
>> reasons to change it.
>> On the other hand, perhaps we should also raise the issue with the  
>> WG... it might be that the behavior we prescribe actually fits better
>> (or equally well) with what existing content expects.  How about
>> Safari/WebKit and IE... how do they behave?
> Latest WebKit and Renesis 0.7 don’t execute <svg:script> elements
> inserted into a document at all.  I don’t have ASV installed to test.
> IE, well, it doesn’t implement SVG. :)

We consider this a bug, we'd like <svg:script> to work the same in  
this regard as <html:script> (though I don't think the spec really  
says either way).

HTML <script> elements that are not created by the parser will load/ 
run when inserted into the document (ones created by the parser run as  
part of the parsing process.)

  - Maciej

Received on Monday, 9 June 2008 08:07:43 UTC