from November 2023 by subject

[svg-aam] Browsers off spec? SVG maps to "group" but the spec suggests it should map to "graphics-document" (#22)

[svg-aam] Define computedrole for the SVG roles table (#24)

[svg-aam] Does "no role may be applied" mean "UAs MUST NOT apply a role even if an author supplies one and gets the element rendered"? (#29)

[svg-aam] Name and Description section can get out of sync with AccName due to step references (#16)

[svg-aam] Remove deprecated xlink:href from the SVG-AAM name computation steps (#34)

[svg-aam] Section 8.1 Name and Description needs rewrite () (#31)

[svg-aam] Should concrete shape/object roles like `circle` have a more specific role description? (#30)

[svg-aam] spec says text element should map to "group j/k paragraph" (#33)

[svg-aam] SVG-AAM points a broken "tree inclusion" anchor in Core-AAM that may have moved to ARIA (#28)

[svg-aam] SVG-AAM should address which elements should map to ARIA `generic` role (#21)

[svg-aam] SVG-AAM spec says unlabeled images should use the generic/none role, but implementations and others disagree (#32)

[svgwg] A separate MIME type for svgz files is needed (#701)

[svgwg] Decimal point not allowed according to Path Data ENBF (#926)

[svgwg] Should SVG's `<image>` element support the `fetchpriority` attribute analogous to HTML's `<img>` element? (#925)

Closed: [svg-aam] Browsers off spec? SVG maps to "group" but the spec suggests it should map to "graphics-document" (#22)

Closed: [svg-aam] Name and Description section can get out of sync with AccName due to step references (#16)

Closed: [svgwg] Decimal point not allowed according to Path Data ENBF (#926)

Last message date: Wednesday, 22 November 2023 13:36:51 UTC