Re: [svgwg] A separate MIME type for svgz files is needed (#701)

SVGZ files are currently being used inside X.509 certificates for the logotype extension (OID: for the BIMI standard. The currently used MIME type in those certificates is `image/svg+xml`. This is rather misleading considering it's actually an `svgz` in the case of BIMI. There may also be other uses (even with same OID, if not others) where that might not be the case. Not being able to instantly tell which is which does cause confusion and can cause mistakes.

While the web indeed has `Content-Encoding: gzip` and nobody *should* do svgz + gzip instead of svg + gzip, this is not really an assumption that can made for other use-cases.

(In the end there are many formats that are compressed or use a compressed container and they have their own MIME type, for a very good reason, they're different formats rather than just `.zip`, they carry different semantics and need different handling.)

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