[svgwg] [animations] `<discard>` lacks `DOM Interfaces:` (#854)
[svgwg] [animations] The published bits do not reflect the `main` branch (#857)
[svgwg] [svg-native] What should the file extension be? (#664)
[svgwg] [svg-paths] Fix IDL syntax errors (#806)
[svgwg] Add `interfaces` for <discard> definition (#855)
[svgwg] Add circular arc path command 'R'. (#767)
[svgwg] Clarified path data omission rules (#827)
[svgwg] Closed Pull Request: [svg-paths] Fix IDL syntax errors
[svgwg] Distinguish Two Main SVG Types of Usage (#837)
[svgwg] Failed to execute 'isPointInFill' on 'SVGGeometryElement': parameter 1 is not of type 'SVGPoint'. (#858)
[svgwg] Inconsistent error handling of negative radius arcs. (#853)
[svgwg] Merged Pull Request: Add `interfaces` for <discard> definition
[svgwg] Merged Pull Request: Refer to `main` branch instead of `master`
[svgwg] Pull Request: Add `interfaces` for <discard> definition
[svgwg] Pull Request: Refer to `main` branch instead of `master`
[svgwg] Remove instanceRoot and animatedInstanceRoot? (#852)
Closed: [svgwg] [animations] `<discard>` lacks `DOM Interfaces:` (#854)
Closed: [svgwg] Failed to execute 'isPointInFill' on 'SVGGeometryElement': parameter 1 is not of type 'SVGPoint'. (#858)
Last message date: Thursday, 24 June 2021 23:59:38 UTC