from October 2019 by subject

[svgwg] [svg-native] [13. Gradients and Patterns] gradientUnits in SVG Native (#746)

[svgwg] Add support for the `hidden`-attribute (#508)

[svgwg] Clarify behavior of pointer-events on nested elements (#744)

[svgwg] Closed Pull Request: Delete Makefile

[svgwg] Delete Makefile (#743)

[svgwg] Issue: [svg-native] [13. Gradients and Patterns] gradientUnits in SVG Native (#746) marked as SVG Native

[svgwg] Issue: Clarify behavior of pointer-events on nested elements (#744) marked as Agenda+

[svgwg] Issue: Revert change from SVGRect/SVGPoint/SVGMatrix to DOM equivalents (#706) marked as Agenda+

[svgwg] Issue: Revert changes for removing SVGViewSpec interface and SVGSVGElement.currentView (#747) marked as SVG2

[svgwg] Need to better define what rules apply to an element in an <svg:use> subtree. (#504)

[svgwg] Pull Request: Delete Makefile

[svgwg] Revert change from SVGRect/SVGPoint/SVGMatrix to DOM equivalents (#706)

[svgwg] Revert changes for removing SVGViewSpec interface and SVGSVGElement.currentView (#747)

[svgwg] SVG 2 spec section 13.5.7 (probably) incorrect for miter-clip (and arcs?) (#745)

[svgwg] SVG2 spec means elements within a <use> tag can not be targeted for styling (#367)

[svgwg] Why does xmlns use http not https? (#738)

[svgwg] window event attribute category is not referenced (#741)

Last message date: Monday, 28 October 2019 20:05:49 UTC