Re: Torture tests for SVG

On Sun, 11 Oct 2009 16:47:43 -0500
Jeff Schiller <> wrote:

> I've got quite a list to share also.  What's the best environment in
> which to collaborate?  IG wiki I guess?  What about for sharing
> code?  For instance should I start up a Google Code project?

Both the wiki and google code project have merits.

We could use the wiki to discuss or propose ideas with an eye towards
designing actual tests. The actual code would then go into the GC

It might be useful to set up multiple directories in the GC project for
  * finished (for now) torture tests
  * proposed test ideas
  * accepted but under construction

This allows people who aren't real sure about how to build a completed
test to contribute with proposed ideas that others can help refine.

Branches don't seem like quite the right way to handle this, IMHO.

We might also want to separate the tests based on other criteria, such
as "pure specification", "edge cases", "performance", etc.

G. Wade

> On Oct 11, 2009 3:17 PM, "David Storey" <> wrote:
> Oh, and I'm sure Jon can dream up some Colour Profile torture tests
> that will keep Erik busy ;)
> On 11 Oct 2009, at 22:05, David Storey wrote: > I'd love to get the
> ball rolling on SVG torture t...

If there's no problem, there's no solution.         -- Rick Hoselton

Received on Sunday, 11 October 2009 22:31:59 UTC