Re: Survey on SVG barriers of adoption

> I don't know of such a survey, and it's a great idea.  My assumption, 
> based on lots of anecdotal feedback, is that the 3 biggest barriers are:
> * no support in IE
> * lack of comprehensive authoring tools (not just static exports from 
> Illustrator/CorelDraw/Inkscape, but development and animation tools)
> * they've never heard of it.

* Lack of functionality that is characteristic of WWW

By the way, I think that it is a cooperation function of the information by the hyperlink. Needless to say, in HTML, it is a function realized by HyperText and URL. I know that SVG has a hyperlink function. (<a> element) However, it is not so innovative.

高木 悟(Satoru Takagi)
KDDI株式会社 コア技術統括本部 ネットワーク技術本部
技術戦略部 企画調査G


Received on Tuesday, 10 March 2009 00:45:45 UTC