Minutes: SVG Conf Call - June 25th


The minutes for the SVG Interest Group telcon can be found here:


Or as text, below:


       [1] http://www.w3.org/

                                - DRAFT -

                    SVG Interest Group Teleconference

25 Jun 2009

    See also: [2]IRC log

       [2] http://www.w3.org/2009/06/25-svgig-irc


           +1.312.228.aaaa, +966aabb, Rob, gwadej, Jeff, Shepazu.a,
           +1.253.223.aacc, DavePorter, Shepazu, +03174349aadd




      * [3]Topics
          1. [4]face to face for SVG-IG
          2. [5]Planet SVG site
          3. [6]show and tell section
      * [7]Summary of Action Items

    <trackbot> Date: 25 June 2009

    <gwadej> I tried the conference number, it picked up, announced the
    bridge, transferred me to another number and hung up.

    <JeffSchiller> hello all: i get "the conference is restricted at
    this time"

    <Rob_Russell> yeah, i get the same...

    phone gave me a busy signal

    <gwadej> A second attempt got the 'conference is restricted' message

    <JeffSchiller> i tried shepazu's mobile # and got his voicemail

    <JeffSchiller> how are people with skype?

    <gwadej> okay for me.

    Not on it, never used it

    <JeffSchiller> ok, that's a non-starter then :)

    Don't let me hold you back

    <JeffSchiller> we may have to reschedule - let's give shepazu a few
    more minutes

    <shepazu> hey

    <JeffSchiller> hey doug

    <Rob_Russell> i'm the 966 number

    Same phone #? I get a busy signal

    I'll try again

    <shepazu> be there momentarily

    <shepazu> /me Zakim, call shepazu

    Dave Porter volunteers to be the scribe

    Want to get the rhythm of the calls going again

    Andreas and Ruud not able to make it

    SVGOpen topic:

    <shepazu> scribenick: DavePorter

    Rob: looking into computer history museum, will be there for the

    It's reserved but not paid for

    Andreas said the price was OK and everyone agreed

    John F. space for workshops, a place at IBM, have directionss to
    physical location

    <stelt> Jon F. , not John F.

    Submission guidelines, when someone submits, it has to be in DocBook

    Andreas providing additional help for people's familiarity with it

    Docbook is a pain but we're trying to be diplomatic about the need
    for it, and the benefits

    We should bring up a discussion about DocBook separately.

    Alternative: put a form on the web. If you're trying to get at
    fielded data, that might work better

    The information we need would be more reliably placed and

    Maybe we coudl get DocBook out of Open Office.

    The minutes from the SVGOpen call are up, let's deal with the issues
    separately, guidelines are being worked on.

    Review wise: there are two new abstracts there, unassigned reviews.

    Andreas needs to assign these out

    By end of month all reviews need to be done

    Other SVG Open issues??



    Thanks doug

    Do we have everything covered on the insurance issue? Question goes
    to Google.

    "Event insurance"

    Like, $60 a day

    THe insurance companies treat this as a routine thing

    That was Wade speaking

    Sponsor discussions still going on

    Still in IBM financial department, Charles from Opera asked for an

face to face for SVG-IG

    Stelt talked about it

    Want a working session to deal with issues

    We should be planning a date and later on a place

    What are some of the items or issues needing work?

    Stelt: planet SVG,

    Since we're a small group ,we could fairly easily grab a room

    Jeff thinks needs a little more discussion on scope and items

    Stelt to mail out ideas & invitatations to mai llist

Planet SVG site

    Rob and Jeff have been pretty busy

    Hoping to get back to working on,

    There's a couple tools needing integration into site

    Rob: Floating the idea of a site redesign

    If there was a visual refresh, are there any objections?

    Stelt: have a lot of activity up front, no click.

    Let's put a flash intro there--(Just a joke)

    <JeffSchiller> silverlight with flash fallback

    Suggest make it work better for smaller type screens

    Some recent research on this

    Example: working from a Netbook

    <stelt> mobiles are screwed?

    The concern was heard


    It's been nice, there have been news items coming in. Also a lot of
    room in there to write guides.

    Encourage putting together tutorials or how-to's, lets get more

    Painful: image hosting

    Provide fallback images for SVG. SVG is preferred of course. But
    rasterized fallback is cool.

    Might be worth trying to find someone in the Drupal community to
    help us out. As it is, Rob is the single point of connection

    For the depth of what you need to know to operate on Planet SVG

    Maybe should put a call out on SVG Developers

    <HelderMagalhaes> (Hi everyone! :-) Sorry about being late. :-| I'll
    be listening on IRC only as I haven't been able to setup for the
    phone bridge during work hours yet.)

    Thanks Helder!

    Writing a drupal module: a tall order

    Shelly Powers is a huge drupal fan, but she's not taking on more
    volunteer work

    Maybe she could just give us some design advice, or use Drupal

    Will get in contact with some Drupal folks at Vodaphone


    Some of these large companies you might not think are into SVG, are
    signing up for the Open

    It's so technical, it's hard to get "designers" to work on this

    Upload SVG, rasterize it on the server, specify the size

    As it is, this sort of thing is too complex, painful, and manual to

    Rob may have some modules that could be put in place to do this semi

    <stelt> Rob_Russell, do you think
    is interesting?


    <stelt> Rob_Russell, i could maybe go (though i would be sleeping
    half the time)

    Some of these capabilities are common thru other sites, we could
    contribute back to the Drupal community

    <scribe> ACTION: contact shelly powers [recorded in

    <trackbot> Sorry, couldn't find user - contact

    <scribe> ACTION: Jeff contact shelly powers [recorded in

    <trackbot> Created ACTION-22 - Contact shelly powers [on Jeff
    Schiller - due 2009-07-02].

    <scribe> ACTION: Jeff Write down the workflow, [recorded in

    <trackbot> Created ACTION-23 - Write down the workflow, [on Jeff
    Schiller - due 2009-07-02].

    Ooops, created some extra actions

show and tell section

    Write up some slides and send out

    Describe what they are working on

    Dave Porter volunteered to be a guinea pig

    My "corporate" example

    (It's a server-generated SVG data visualization)

    WIth a bit of UI mixed in

    On planet SVG: interviews with Inkscape developers, people making
    SVG tools

    "Success stories"

    How a tech really helped them out

    At SVG Open, "force" people to describing their thing on Planet

    Mechanics: how can you share slides or desktop

    Google has a Powerpoint type tool/format

    Can we send out Powerpoint?

    You can view PPT in Open Office?


    SVGMaker takes powerpoint and converts it to SVG

    "Software Mechanics" in Australia

    Webex & stuff like that,

    It's supposed to be cross platform.

    Adobe has something too.

    Dave Porter will ask his boss if "Boeing" could host a webex, then
    you SVG IG folks join it.

    We use Webex routinely here at Boeing, but I don't know how public
    that is

    Screenshots might be enough

    Does Powerpoint have any export formats?

    15-20 minutes, Dave volunteered to do this in a couple weeks

    Jeff working on getting a different time for the call

    Seems like someone misses whatever time is picked.

    Closing moments...

    Microsoft, Google Webkit, collaborating on DOM3 events calls, next
    gen browsers will have a single unified keyboard model.

    Events based on keyboards, the sequence of events, IME

    Thanks Doug

    Question for Rob: did you look at that utrecht URL?

    Stelt could fit in his schedule, but he'd be sleepy

    Talk offline

    Looks well put together, quite a lot going on

    Stelt: another thing: people going to SVG Open? Anyone bringing wife
    or girlfriend?

    SVG WG sending all its minutes to the public list, hoping for more
    feedback that way

    www.svg mailing list,

    <JeffSchiller> [13]http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-svg/

      [13] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-svg/

    <JeffSchiller> can someone publish the minutes?

    Jeff, I would if I knew how

    But I don't! :-(

Summary of Action Items

    [NEW] ACTION: contact shelly powers [recorded in
    [NEW] ACTION: Jeff contact shelly powers [recorded in
    [NEW] ACTION: Jeff Write down the workflow, [recorded in

    [End of minutes]

Received on Friday, 26 June 2009 05:55:31 UTC