Reminder: SVG Conf Call - June 25th (New Time)

Thursday June 25th @ UTC 14:00 (9 AM CDT, 10 AM EDT)

- phone bridge number is +1.617.761.6200,  conference 78444 ("SVGIG")
- we will be meeting concurrently in a chat room, on channel
#svgig (irc://, port 6665)
- for those of you without easy access to IRC, W3C provides an IRC
gateway accessible via the browser at


- Update on SVG Open status
- Plan for SVG IG Face-to-Face (f2f) during SVG Open
- Update on PlanetSVG website
- Proposed New Conf Call feature:  Show & Tell


On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 10:42 AM, Jeff Schiller<> wrote:
> Hello All,
> Of the 8 people who entered their data at
> there was not one single time that
> would work for all participants (let alone the schedules of others who
> have not entered their schedules).  Challenging!  As a result, I
> modified my schedule so that the following time will work for the 8
> participants on the Doodle poll:
> Thursday June 25th @ UTC 14:00 (9 AM CDT, 10 AM EDT)
> I've also updated the wiki with this time:
> Will send an agenda early next week - please send me items you would
> like to bring up.
> Thanks,
> Jeff

Received on Thursday, 25 June 2009 04:12:01 UTC