Re: New Poll for Conf Call

Hi all,

> I would like to hold this call every two weeks ideally.  Please try to
> get your data into the tool by mid-next week (Wednesday Jun 10th).

Done (yesterday). :-)

In the meantime, during the latest meeting I got a hint that IRC
chatting was distracting which I understood (and which, unfortunately,
lead me to silence almost completely during the remainder of the
meeting). In that particular meeting, I wasn't able to do much as I
was in vacation and therefore out of my usual (both hardware and
software) environment, and (I must say) I never got that impression
previously (before officially joining the IG, I had already attended a
few meeting using IRC only). I'll likely try to follow-up with some of
the items I left unanswered post being hinted.

While leaning how-to (there was enough relevant information about the
phone bridge in the Communication page [1] of the SVGIG wiki), I'd
this opportunity to ask if there is a set of extra tips which I may be
missing: currently, I can only think of one -- if connecting through
VoIP services was already tried and works reasonably well.
Nevertheless, if there are more tips or interesting pointers, please
share! ;-)



Received on Thursday, 11 June 2009 08:39:21 UTC