Re: Progress on SVG book -- question concerning <embed> vs <object> in HTML

Hi, David-

Dailey, David P. wrote (on 4/4/09 10:46 AM):
> DS: There's also the<iframe>  element, which I've mostly used for the
> past few years.  I talk about the various ways to embed SVG here:
> Yes in similar tests at
> back circa FF1.5, I found that there was only one problem
> with<iframe>  -- the only way I could find to access the SVG DOM
> through<iframe>  was to put a script in the SVG that upon loading
> sends its own SVGDocument as a parameter to a function running inside
> HTML. I may have seen another work around but (and I know I've seen
> suggestions that didn't work), but I still have that listed in my
> mind as an open problem.

It's actually not that bad... I think I do something similar here:

This is definitely something to clear up in the SVG Integration 
module... how to access the SVG DOM or call Javascript functions in the 
SVG (and vice versa) from outside the embedding context.  I wonder if 
this should have cross-domain restrictions?


Received on Saturday, 4 April 2009 17:11:41 UTC