Re: Belated Regrets and infos on SVG Open/SVG in IE

Robin Berjon wrote:
> On Nov 6, 2008, at 17:41 , Andreas Neumann wrote:
>> I am sorry but I couldn't make it to todays meeting.
> Me too, I was with customers almost all day.
>> SVG Open:
>> I did not hear back from Brad Neuberg (Google) - but he is still on
>> holidays. I am expecting an answer next week. I forwarded you an inquiry
>> from China regarding SVG Open 2009 or 2010. I don't think it would be a
>> good idea to hold SVG Open 2009 in China, but depending on what you 
>> think
>> it may or may not be an option for 2010. I will inform you as soon as I
>> know more.
> Can you elaborate on why you think it would be a bad idea, or is it 
> just a question of it being on short notice? Do we have information on 
> SVG usage in China, on what's supported in phones and the like?

I think that we should have a strong SVG Open 2009. SVG Open 2008 
already showed growing interest (compared to the years before), but I am 
sure SVG Open 2009 can be bigger if organized soon enough and with 
better sponsoring. I doubt that this would be possible in 2009 in China. 
SVG Open in Japan was always a little bit smaller (maybe because 
Europeans and Americans are a little afraid of Japanese 
culture/language, or they thought it may be very expensive). China also 
has the Visa hassle and people from some countries may be reluctant to 
China. I personally went to Beijing in 2001 for a cartographic 
conference. The conference wasn't too well organized, it was hard to 
understand the english of some of the chinese presenters and the air in 
Beijing was quite bad. It may be just my own bad experience ... and it 
might be different in Southern China, where the inquiry comes from.

I also think that 2010 may be a better time for China, since the 
original idea was to rotate from Europe, to North America and to Asia. 
This year it was in Europe, next year it would be North Americas turn.

I also do hope that the US people (with the new president) are a little 
braver now - "yes we can" ... "yes you can organize an SVG Open"! ;-) 
And it's about time that SVG Open will be held in the US.

>> SVG plugin for IE:
>> currently the most promising lead in this direction is using Mozilla SVG
>> for the plugin. Jonathan Watt could work on this (from december on), but
>> he still doesn't have official backing by the Mozilla management. 
>> Jonathan
>> thinks that the project needs to have official backing to make it an
>> official Mozilla supported project. Otherwise support and security 
>> updates
>> can't be guaranteed and it wouldn't be accepted by organizations to
>> install. I think he is right on this. It seems like our next step should
>> be to convince Mozilla management that it is worthwile to spend some
>> resources (manpower, marketing) on the SVG in IE project.
> Does that means that he's leaving Joost? (not an important question, 
> but I'm keeping a tally :)

this one you should ask him personally.

> Is there any way in which he believes that we could help him convince 
> management? Would it help if we got some organisations to manifest 
> interest?
This would certainly help, I guess. How could we organize this manifest? 
Can we open a section on PlanetSVG to gather organizations and 
individuals with an interest in the plugin?


Received on Thursday, 6 November 2008 20:03:28 UTC