RE: Wiki or Github pages or?

> From: []
> Sent: 13 April 2015 15:08
> before I do a lot more work I'd like to discover whether people prefer to use
> the Wiki for keeping track of stuff, or want to run things on github through
> pull requests, or want to just send comments and have someone else collate
> them, or what…

Working on Github is easiest for me, but I appreciate it can be a steep learning curve for anyone who hasn't used it before. I'm happy to walk people through the basics if that proves useful.

Github also handles comments/issues pretty well, for anyone who prefers not to get their hands dirty with the repo itself.

> Personally, I am happy with any model. I wonder if we want to produce
> something like a Note that explains use cases, requirements, and how we
> got there - it seems to me like it would be useful.
Yes, I think we should.


Léonie Watson Senior accessibility engineer, TPG
@LeonieWatson @PacielloGroup

Received on Monday, 13 April 2015 18:23:46 UTC