Invite - Decentralize approaches to transportation issues

On Thursday, March 6th from 15:00 to 17:00 UTC, Solid Practitioners will
host an online meeting on decentralized software in relation to
transportation services. We've invited domain experts in transportation and
mobility as well as from a variety of software approaches including apps
based on Solid as well as apps based on BECKN, DataSwift, and Apache Wallet.

The issue of transportation touches on many important social issues - it
relates to sustainable consumption and climate change, to disability and
mobility, and to poverty in that it provides access to food, work, and
other necessities. The gig economy has been quick to provide apparently
decentralized services like AirBnB, Uber, and Grubhub which decentralize
the workforce but centralize the cash and control.  These services may or
may not protect the privacy of the end user or the driver and may or may
not deal with issues like disability or sustainability.  The open source
and decentralized software movements have started to provide truly socially
aware and decentralized services. Come share your ideas about how Solid can
play a role.

To join :
To Learn more :

Jeff Zucker

Received on Wednesday, 26 February 2025 03:31:04 UTC