- From: Sjoerd van Groning <sjoerd@muze.nl>
- Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2025 13:58:04 +0100
- To: public-solid@w3.org
- Cc: "info@sosy2025.eu" <info@sosy2025.eu>
- Message-ID: <810a89d7-ce90-4eff-b683-803ebdfb343e@muze.nl>
Dear reader, After previous editions in Nuremberg (DE) and Leuven (BE), we are happy to that in 2025 the Solid Symposium will be in Leiden (NL). In the middle of the tulip season. We are very glad to be able to give you the heads up that registrations are open. We have created an event on EventBrite: https://www.eventbrite.nl/e/international-solid-symposium-2025-tickets-1256361494049. Register there or first visit our website on https://www.sosy2025.eu for the latest updates. Get your tickets for two days updates, discussions and talks about Solid. Here is the full program: https://sosy2025.eu/Program/ Take a look at the Sessions: https://sosy2025.eu/Sessions/ (more information and links will follow, a lot of sessions are looking for contributions) Poster submissions are open: https://sosy2025.eu/Posters/ The symposium is only possible thanks to a fantastic list of sponsors and we are still looking for a few additional sponsors. Please contact us if you have any thoughts about sponsoring the Symposium. Our sponsors: DCCC <https://www.digitalconnectedcarecoalition.org/> | Philips | WeHUBIT <https://www.wehubit.be/>| IBeat <http://www.ibeat.cloud> | Datagroup <https://datagroup.kz> | VODAN <https://aun.mu.edu.et/vodan/> | EEPA <https://www.eepa.be/> | RAEE <https://raee.eu/> | UNA Europa <https://www.una-europa.eu/> | Leiden University <https://www.universiteitleiden.nl/> | Leiden Global <https://www.leidenglobal.org/> If you've made significant contributions to Solid, and do not have a company or funding to support you to attend - contact us at info@sosy2025.eu Kind regards, Sjoerd -- Sjoerd van Groning Muze, werkdagen ma/wo/vr T. 053 - 4308177 | 06 - 41265099 I.www.muze.nl |www.simplyedit.io |www.pdsinterop.org E.sjoerd@muze.nl
Received on Wednesday, 26 February 2025 12:58:37 UTC