Re: chairing the solid CG -- any takers?

Hello Solid Community,

On 10/8/23 22:42, Melvin Carvalho wrote:
> Could we simply ask who is willing to chair the group at this point?

I stay open to making myself available to share co-chairing 

I've been following Solid since it was introduced to the Social WG,

during F2F meeting in Paris (2015)[1]. Between 2015 and the re-boot in 2019

I participated very lightly [2]

Since 2019 I have been participating in majority of panels, especially:

Authentication, Authorization, Data Interoperability and Notifications.

I have been co-editing Solid-OIDC (spec & primer), Solid Application

Interoperability (spec & both primers). As well as co-authoring Solid

Notifications Protocol and editing StreamingHTTPChannel2023.

I also maintain SAI implementation in TypeScript [3], a monorepo containing

ES modules, node server, authorization UI and an example app.

As a co-chair I would like to focus on helping with improving workflow

to keep the drafts moving forward. With emphasis on incorporating

feedback from implementers.

I don't plan to leave Solid any time soon, if there isn't sufficient 
interest in me helping

as a co-chair this time, I hope to stay available for future rotations.

Kudos to everyone else who is willing and has possibility to offer their

availability to co-chair. I'm not planning to vote for myself and look 

to the rich pool of candidates, who I will be able to support with my votes.





Received on Tuesday, 17 October 2023 03:08:08 UTC