Re: Solid: An Explainer

út 28. 11. 2023 v 13:39 odesílatel Sjoerd van Groning <>

> Op 28/11/2023 om 13:30 schreef Melvin Carvalho:
> út 28. 11. 2023 v 13:27 odesílatel Sjoerd van Groning <>
> napsal:
>> Op 28/11/2023 om 12:07 schreef Melvin Carvalho:
>> > The word "decentralized" is used quite a lot without explanation.  I
>> > would think of the current Solid more as federated than decentralized.
>> Why? I think Solid is decentralized, WedID can function independent of
>> POD servers, independent of applications. I don't see where the
>> federation kicks in.
> You are still dependent on the domain of the WebID.
> Everybody can have it's own domain. WebID servers act independently from
> each other. If BBC wants to use Solid, they can do it without any
> interference with Athumi or Datakluis.
> IMO the decentralization is an important aspect of Solid.

It is in theory but do you do this?  How many people do you know do this?
It's not achievable in practice.  That's not to say it's a bad idea, but it
in no way reflects reality.  An explainer should at least a bit be grounded
in reality.

The analogy I give is with mastodon and indieweb both being part of a
federated "fediverse".

You federate between different websites based on domain.  That's the point
of centralization.  In order for solid to say it's decentralized, and for
it not to be a buzz word, it needs to demonstrate how it does that in a
different way from a federated system.

Furthermore, there's now a baked-in reliance on trusted-third parties,
which was not the case in the original Solid

We could include some text in an explainer about Solid and
decentralization, but it needs to demonstrated how it works, and to reflect

> --
> Sjoerd van Groning
> Muze
> T. 053 - 4308177 | 06 - 41265099
> I. | |
> E.

Received on Tuesday, 28 November 2023 17:52:58 UTC