Re: Gitter Service ends Feb 6th

Am 17.01.2023, 11:34 Uhr, schrieb Melvin Carvalho  

> The Gitter service is ending on 6th Feb

they say we need a logout/login but functionality will stay around if I  
understand right.

> 1. What about the history


I wonder if the various history links will sill work, and for how long

> 2. New chat area
>Gitter is encouraging a transition to the Matrix/Element service.

does that mean we need a Matrix account or anything ?

Perhaps we could start a single room, say, on Mattias' solidweb which is a
running grass roots solid server.

I will participate in these efforts if the community wants.

> We would need to circulate an agreed upon URL for this to work.

we can make a dedicated pod for that purpose and freely choose any URL.
it would look like ``

> It could be beneficial to consider using Solid for chat, though based on
> the current low volume of chat on gitter it may not be a major concern.

> Thoughts ?

let's try to prepare best for feb. 6th. I have sympathy for eating own  

Matthias Evering (@ewingson)

Received on Tuesday, 17 January 2023 11:00:56 UTC