Gitter Service ends Feb 6th

The Gitter service is ending on 6th Feb

We initiated this platform to facilitate real-time discussions regarding
assorted solid repositories as well as a general chat room.

I found the solution to be satisfactory, however, I was somewhat
disappointed when they implemented Google Analytics into the code base, as
this is seen in many parts of the community as an invasion of privacy

This leaves the community with two issues:

1. What about the history

I wonder if the various history links will sill work, and for how long

I thought someone wrote a gitter/solid bridge, perhaps it would be good to
keep an archive of the history of the project, if that's not stored

2. New chat area

Gitter is encouraging a transition to the Matrix/Element service. Although
the speed, functionality, and commercialization of that service has not
been entirely satisfactory, it may represent the most straightforward way
of creating a unified and organized chat platform across the community.

It may be worth exploring the possibility of using Solid for chat, though I
am unsure if the UX is prepared to work with a large group. As a starting
point, I suggest we run a Solid chat room in parallel to whatever comes
next, though it would likely initially be with a limited number of

Perhaps we could start a single room, say, on Mattias' solidweb which is a
running grass roots solid server.  We would need to circulate an agreed
upon URL for this to work.

It could be beneficial to consider using Solid for chat, though based on
the current low volume of chat on gitter it may not be a major concern.


Received on Tuesday, 17 January 2023 10:34:28 UTC