Re: Towards Solid Lite

Hi again all,

On Fri, Nov 10, 2023 at 09:52:08PM +0100, Melvin Carvalho wrote:
>    p** 10. 11. 2023 v**12:15 odes**latel Pete Edwards
>      ***[2]
>      - how to run tests with your own manifest/spec
>    Thanks alot for the brilliant Test Suite, Pete!
>    I've started my journey on trying to pass the tests, unsure what the best
>    route is.
>    So I just picked something, and started with CRUD tests.
>    At the moment I have got up to 2 of 9.
>    Quite fun to try and increase coverage.** 100% would be nice if possible.
>    Any suggestions for plan of attack welcome!

I think most people would want to work on Solid Lite specs (or tests in my
case), rather than the extensive "Karate" tests. Would it make sense to provide
a ready to go "manifest/spec" as a profile? What I'd particularly like to do is
extract the tests themselves (in their "karate" format) so I coud convert them
into mixed prose/BDD phrases (Karate's phrases appear to be a programming
language, rather than something like ordinary language to help someone
understand the "whys" and "hows" of implementing the spec, and persons like
myself, who avoid programs with names like "karate", "gatling" might want a
more neutral approach).

I'd be happy if there could be a meeting talking about how to move this
forward. I'm a bit stuck on a couple decisions in my implementation.



Received on Monday, 4 December 2023 13:59:20 UTC