Re: Solid App Authorization

There is an alternative that would be very close to 
WebID-TLS and that would work very well with 
HTTP2.0 and that is using HTTP-Signatures and JS-Crypto.
See my implementation from a few years back

Server side: <>
It has all the links to the docs

and I think the use of JS-Crypt on the client is here
But I need to update it.

This has all the efficiency advantages of WebID-TLS 
but does not have the UI built in that could have been
hoped for with client certificates (though key gen still
works in Netscape I hear)

Henry Story

> On 31 Jul 2019, at 08:56, Alexandre Bourlier <> wrote:
> Hi Michael,
> As far as I know, WebID-TLS is not going to happen by lack of browser support for the standard.
> I believe WebID-OIDC is the recommended way to authenticate an app to a POD. At least, that is how we do it at Startin'blox 😉
> I do not know what DID is though.
> I hope this helps
> On Wed, Jul 31, 2019, 00:06 Michael Pigott < <>> wrote:
> Hello Solid WC!
>     I have been working on <> today, which is a project to build a user profile by combining public information from existing social media accounts (LinkedIn, GitHub, Twitter, Facebook, and Google) and putting the information on a single-page profile.  My own user profile looks like this: <>.
>     The next feature I would like to add is to allow the user to import the data into a Solid POD.  However, I am not sure what the preferred way to authenticate an application is; it seems like much of the Solid platform is still in flux.  Is there a recommended spec I should follow (WebID-TLS, WebID-OIDC, DID) in order to allow someone with a Solid POD to import the data from the generated profile?
> Thanks!
> Mike

Received on Wednesday, 31 July 2019 21:32:18 UTC