practical organization next Solid Community phone conf

Dear all,

Thanks again for the nice phone conf earlier this month,
the notes of which are available at

I have taken the initiative to organize the first phone conf,
but my schedule makes it hard to do this every month.
As such, I have looked for a replacement.

Organizing phone confs is a purely administrative duty.
Determining the agenda is up to the community;
also, that organizer is not necessarily the chair of the conf.

I suggest that Mitzi from Inrupt takes up
the administrative duty to keep the monthly phone confs going.
She would then, for now, ensure these phone confs happen.
What happens during the phone conf is all (y)ours :-)

Looking forward to talking again to you soon.


Ruben Verborgh
Professor of Semantic Web Technology
IDLab, Ghent University – imec – @RubenVerborgh

Received on Tuesday, 19 February 2019 11:56:18 UTC