Re: monthly Solid phone conf

Good idea, in terms of introductions before the call!

I'm a software engineer in the field of distributed systems and
decentralized identity, and I'm a former Solid Core team developer.
I worked on node-solid-server and rdflib.js, helped develop Solid's current
authentication libraries, edited most of the existing Solid specs, and
wrote the WebID-OIDC spec <>. I'm
still actively involved with the Solid open source ecosystem, as time

As part of the Digital Bazaar team, I'm currently active in the
decentralized identity community -- I'm part of the W3C Verifiable Claims
Working Group, the Credentials Community Group, and the WebAuthentication
Working Group. And I work on DID resolution libraries for decentralized

My biggest goal, in terms of the Solid community group, is to encourage
Solid to join the wider Fediverse and various decentralized communities --
I want all of these platforms to inter-operate! :)

Dmitri Zagidulin
@codenamedmitri <> on Medium and Twitter

On Sun, Feb 3, 2019 at 11:25 AM Alexandre Bourlier <>

> Cool !
> Following suit then : I co-founded Startin'blox <>,
> an open source web framework based on the "SoLiD standards", intended to
> make the building of decentralized app a breeze.
> I am interested in sharing good practice, pushing the specifications
> forward and eventually hire passionate people to work with us.
> On Sun, 3 Feb 2019 at 14:53, Melvin Carvalho <>
> wrote:
>> On Fri, 1 Feb 2019 at 10:19, Ruben Verborgh (UGent-imec) <
>>> wrote:
>>> Dear all,
>>> The most popular moment is Tuesdays on 9pm CET.
>>> I will send out an invite for the first meeting.
>> Great!  The first meeting is normally introductions, so I'll add a quick
>> one from me, to save time.
>> Ive worked on various parts of the solid project since the start, and use
>> solid on a daily basis.
>> I help to maintain and have a goal to make it a
>> community, and self sustaining project.  As well as adding new features
>> like ability to CNAME from your own domain to a pod subdomain.
>> My other interest is in payments, and with my pet project, solidpay, I'm
>> hoping to explore the intersection of solid and electronic payments
>> (blockchain, lightning network, fiat currencies).
>> Here is list of use cases I'm currently looking at trying to implement :
>> Looking forward to meeting new people!
>>> Thanks,
>>> Ruben
> --
> Alexandre BOURLIER
> 06 51 71 08 21

Received on Sunday, 3 February 2019 16:50:41 UTC