Re: Next steps of FPWD for Social API?

Hi Harry,

On 05/15/2015 09:29 PM, Harry Halpin wrote:
> OK everyone,
> While I understand Tantek's skepticism, I think a document that helps
> clarifies. In my experience, raising issues and edits around a single
> document is often a pretty good way to make progress.

> I'll take a first stab at this next week in order to get a general
> W3C-compliant outline and put it in the Github repo, and then I'll setup
> Aaron and Jessica as editors (Amy - can you still help?). We can discuss
> more on the Tuesday call, and also make sure the SoLiD approach is well
> represented.
During F2F I understood that Amy (and in few months together with Ann)
will act as neutral editors. While editors of three other drafts will
act as authors. Here I must admit that I don't understand well
editor/author distinction...

BTW can you please propose it for the agenda of our next telecon via


Received on Sunday, 17 May 2015 09:05:45 UTC