Re: Subscribing to specific channels when following an account

On 05/12/2015 10:38 AM, Aaron Parecki wrote:
> Elf, I have the opposite of a single channel on my website right now. In
> fact there is nowhere on my site you can go to see the full list of posts.
> The limitation I am facing with my site is actually that right now someone
> *can't* see everything I post by following my home page or anything else.
Thank you for clarification!

> I do plan to continue to publish separate feeds going forward, so someone
> can follow only certain aspects of me. I think as long as there is a way
> for someone to publish multiple feeds everything is fine.
IMO we can and should explore different ways of modeling it

1) Follow different aspects (personas?) of me
2) Subscribe to different channels/feeds/streams which I publish
3) Subscribe to different channels/feeds/streams which my different
aspects (personas?) publish

Distinctions between
1) *follow* a *Person* (including using it as *Persona*)
2) *subscribe* to *Channel* (*Feed* / *Stream*)

could possibly help here.

Also each Person(a) could have *default* channel(feed/stream) and follow
action would also automatically subscribe to it...

While we already tend to conflate a Person and its web Profile, I don't
think we should throw also Feed on top of it and use same URI to denote
all/any of it!

Constraint: URIs Identify a Single Resource

Assign distinct URIs to distinct resources.

Received on Tuesday, 12 May 2015 09:54:54 UTC