Re: Removing Activity Types not used by User Stories

On 03/24/2015 07:44 PM, James M Snell wrote:
> The current version of the Activity Streams Vocabulary includes a few
> Activity types that, while present in many example existing social
> networking platforms, are not captured in any of our user stories.
> Should we keep those or should we remove them (Note that any
> implementation can add those back in as extension types)
> The candidates for removal are: Achieve, Claim, Reservation, Arrive, Travel
> Achieve: Would used primarily to indicate that actor has achieved the
> object. This is fairly specialized and can likely be safely removed
> without impact.
> Claim: Would be used to indicate that actor is claiming the object.
> This is fairly specialized and can likely be safely removed without
> impact.
> Reservation, Arrive and Travel deal largely with Geo-location use
> cases that are very broadly implemented but are currently not covered
> by our user stories. That's quite interesting in itself -- geolocation
> functions are ubiquitous to social platforms and yet none of our user
> stories seem to reflect that fact. Hmmmm.....

I would prefer to focus in WG on providing a clear way to define domain
specific activity types and don't loose our energy on such vocasb terms
specific conversations here.

Jason from xAPI already applied to join IG and we could work with their
real world requirements from

Received on Tuesday, 24 March 2015 18:52:34 UTC