Reusing known predicates to discover relevant Containers/Collections


This topic relates to our resolution from F2F
"RESOLVED: the WG will prefer follow-your-nose architecture in the API
candidates we consider"

Hydra CG experiments with Collection design which allows reusing
existing properties/predicates also with *inverse* direction

I don't know if LDP containers allow something similar (if someone knows
that they do, please provide equivalent snippet to the inverse one in
hydra:Collection example)

Also in log below you can find my suggestion to possibly use
ldp:membershipResource in reverse direction to 'follow my nose' to
relevant containers:

  "@id": "#it",
  "@reverse": {
    "ldp:membershipResource": {
      "@type": "ldp:DirectContainer"

In current daft of AS2.0 vocabulary you can find one interesting
property defined as:replies

as:replies a owl:ObjectProperty ;
  rdfs:label "replies"@en ;
  rdfs:range as:Collection ;
  rdfs:domain as:Object .

please notice rdfs:range as:Collection
while as:inReplyTo exists and could get simply used as inverse property

as:inReplyTo a owl:ObjectProperty ;
  rdfs:label "inReplyTo"@en ;
  rdfs:domain as:Object ;
  rdfs:range [
    a owl:Class ;
    owl:unionOf ( as:Object as:LinkNotHandler )
  ] .

even if one wanted to define as:reply as inverse of as:inReplyTo, I
would still consider it unnecessary to define special case of properties
only so that they could accept a Collection/Container as their value.


Received on Saturday, 21 March 2015 19:59:38 UTC