Re: a user liking a post

On 23 August 2015 at 09:34, Amy G <> wrote:

> Hi Melvin,
> Giving the *like *itself a URI makes it possible to to attach other
> metadata to the *like* itself (eg. a published date), as well as have the
> possibility to interact with a like further, eg. by liking or replying to
> it.
> Indiewebbers have converged on *like* posts, which translate to:
> <> _:like-of <
>> .
> (*like-of* being an experimental mf2 property).

Thanks!  A couple of things.

1. _:like-of here implies it's a bnode, but I think it's not actually a
bnode.  It's going to be problematic for many to reuse this predicate
without the predicate being a URL.  Is this something on the horizon, do
you know?

2. The semantics of a post liking another post seems slightly unnatural to
me.  I guess in this case the post is used as an indirect identifier for a
person (or account).  Intuitively I think it may be confusing for software
to conflate these concepts, but if it's working for some, that's great.  So
slightly cautious regarding reuse, as I tend to have slightly more specific
semantics (ie person oriented rather than post oriented)

> Where the relationship is between the two posts, and it is implicit that
> the author of </like-post> likes </something-likeable>.
> In AS2 the same thing is achieved using a Like Activitiy, ie.
> <> a as:Like .
> <> as:object <
>> .

Thanks, very helpful.  I guess this is more for the notification in a
stream once a like has been performed.  "Alice liked your Post".  I havent
added that yet, but will be useful in future I think.

> These are basically the same aside from the *like *semantics being in the
> type in AS2 and in the property in mf2. The result is still a first class
> object with its own URI that one can add additional data to, and interact
> with.
> In addition, this means the *like *can be created in the likers own
> dataspace, rather than needing to update the likee directly. Upon the likee
> server being notified of the like, their server can handle it as desired,
> which could include..
> - creating a direct relationship between <#me> and </something-likeable>
> internally,
> - incrementing </something-likeable>'s *likes* counter,
> - or adding <#me> to a Collection of people who have liked
> </something-likeable>,
> if any of these makes querying etc. easier, but that becomes an
> implementation detail.

In my scenario the like object can live anywhere.  That's an implementation
detail.  In practice I think I will go with putting the like as close to
the liked thing as possible, as it may turn out to be easier to discover.

> Interestingly, I don't think any of the major centralised social networks
> I've looked at have external URIs for likes, but I think it's a safe bet
> they have internal ones and store data about the *like *happening.
> Twitter doesn't even allow you to get a list of users who have favorited a
> tweet through their API (though on an individual tweet there's a boolean
> "favorited" property) and a quick search will reveal lots of developers
> complaining about this inability..

Well that gives us a competitive advantage then, namely, unexpected reuse.

> Amy
> On 23 August 2015 at 01:23, Melvin Carvalho <>
> wrote:
>> I've noticed that the concept of a user liking a post is deployed in a
>> number of systems.
>> But it seems there are a number of ways of doing it.
>> I just wanted to see if there are pros and cons of different approaches.
>> Right now I do something like:
>>   <#me> <> <content>
>> It seems simple, lightweight and meets my needs.
>> Are people in general going to use AS2 for this, is there a good vocab to
>> switch to?
>> Thoughts appreciated ...

Received on Sunday, 23 August 2015 08:22:26 UTC