Fw: ACTION-26 redux / More updates to testcases.xml and .xsl

I made a bunch more updates yesterday, including the following:
- I added "index.html" at the root directory to serve as the main page. 
This needs to be edited more, however.
- I added the "meps" directory to contain a definition of the various 
message exchange patterns that are used in the testcases.     We'll need 
to produce a diagram for each message exchange pattern so that we can link 
from each MEP definition to the diagram for that MEP, similar to how the 
WS-Addressing folks did it.
- I made a few more updates to the testcases.xsl file

Perhaps we can discuss this during the call tomorrow...

Phil Adams 
WebSphere Development - Web Services
IBM Austin, TX
email: phil_adams@us.ibm.com
office: (512) 838-6702  (tie-line 678-6702)
mobile: (512) 750-6599

----- Forwarded by Phil Adams/Austin/IBM on 09/08/2008 01:50 PM -----

Phil Adams/Austin/IBM@IBMUS
09/06/2008 12:36 PM
ACTION-26 redux / More updates to testcases.xml and .xsl

Hi everyone,
I'm attaching an updated zip file containing the testcase definitions. I 
made a few corrections to testcases.xml to fix some XML syntax errors.  
I've also updated the testcases.xsl file some and have generated the 
resulting HTML (testcases.html).  To do that, I cobbled together a simple 
java program to drive the calls to the xalan APIs to do the xslt 
transform.   I think there's still some work to be done in the 
testcases.xsl file, but it's a good start.      Take a peek at the HTML 
output and let me know what you think. 


Phil Adams 
WebSphere Development - Web Services
IBM Austin, TX
email: phil_adams@us.ibm.com
office: (512) 838-6702  (tie-line 678-6702)
mobile: (512) 750-6599[attachment "soapjms_testcases.zip" deleted by Phil 

Received on Monday, 8 September 2008 19:06:55 UTC