[w3c sml][agenda] 2007-11-26bv SML

Paul-> Marv -> Zulah  will be scribing.

Chair: when sending out an agenda, use following format

  [w3c sml][agenda] yyyy-mm-dd SML          in subject of email ([agenda]

agreed to, rest chair's convention)

Chair: when sending out an updated agenda, use following format, "n" =

update number, 1st update == 2, etc.

  [w3c sml][agenda][ver n] yyyy-mm-dd SML   in subject of email ([agenda]

[ver n] agreed to, rest chair's convention)

Scribe: read entire agenda, I restructured it so your "to do"s around the

scribe list are time-sequenced

  i.e. less to remember

The phone number to use for the SML WG teleconference is documented on the

WG's administrative home page:


Participants are invited to join IRC channel, as documented on the WG's

administrative home page:


Teleconference Time and Length (one hour)

Pacific   1 PM -  2 PM

Mountain  2 PM -  3 PM

Central    3 PM -  4 PM

Eastern    4 PM -  5 PM

UK         9 PM -  10 PM

Paris      10 PM - 11 PM

Proposed Agenda:

1. Roll call (present/regrets/absent)

2. Selection of Scribe based on list below

   New scribes see:

   - Scribe Quick Start Guide


   - Scribe FAQ


Last Scribe Date  Member Name               Regrets pending

2007-08-30        Lipton, Paul

2007-10-15        Waschke, Marvin

2007-10-17        Eckert, Zulah

2007-10-17        Kumar, Pandit

2007-10-24        Boucher, Jordan

2007-11-01        Gao, Sandy

2007-11-08        Smith, Virginia

2007-11-12        Wilson, Kirk

2007-11-15        Lynn, James

2007-11-19        Valentina Popescu

Exempt            Arwe, John

Exempt            Dublish, Pratul

Exempt            MSM

Exempt            PH

3. Approval of minutes from previous meeting(s):

   -  11/19  http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-sml/2007Nov/att-0269/20071119-sml-minutes.html

   -  11/12 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-sml/2007Nov/att-0265/20071112-sml-minutes.html

4. Review and attempt to reach consensus on the following hasProposal/needsAgreement bugs


What should SML say about fragment identifiers?


Allow cycle checking on element graphs as well as documen...


Allow assertions on local elements and types


Restrict XPointer for SML implementations on top of relat...


Restrict the use of deref in sml:field/@xpath for SML imp...


definitional schema documents should be preferentially us...


Handling of DTDs when composing an IF document


Scoping of sml identity constraints (key, keyref, unique)


Inheritance of some SML reference constraints


sml 4.3.1 sml:acyclic


xpath restrictions should be removed


xml:base intended to replace smlif:baseURI only

5. Discuss the smlxpath1 scheme proposal


n-3. Scribe: update scribe list below in this meeting's minutes, for use

in the next meeting's agenda:

   Update the list below and sort it (LRU), leaving people who will be out

for an extended period near the bottom

   to keep the names of draftees for the current meeting near the top, so

when the next agenda goes out people

   will know if their name is at or near the top of the list to scribe


Last Scribe Date  Member Name               Regrets pending

2007-08-30        Lipton, Paul

2007-09-20        Lynn, James

2007-10-16        Valentina Popescu

2007-10-15        Waschke, Marvin

2007-10-17        Eckert, Zulah

2007-10-17        Kumar, Pandit

2007-10-24        Boucher, Jordan

2007-11-01        Gao, Sandy

2007-11-08        Smith, Virginia

2007-11-12        Wilson, Kirk

2007-06-12        Tabbara, Bassam

Exempt            Arwe, John

Exempt            Dublish, Pratul

Exempt            MSM

Exempt            PH

n-2. Scribe: follow the steps in the Scribe Quick Start Guide through

"Generate minutes"


   Also issue the command "rrsagent, make log public" since we are a

public workgroup.

   DO NOT use tools that significantly change the source html, like Word,

to do your editing.

   Those tools make compare tools to sanity check the scribe's edits

unusable even though it

   renders fine visually (even here, some like Word remove W3C style

sheets so it renders

   with subtle differences).

n-1. Scribe: (optional)

   Send the original and updated minutes to the meeting chair as an

editorial check before

   sending to the full list.  Assume the chair will use a compare tool.

n. Scribe: send the minutes to the public mailing list

   After the meeting, follow the conventions we have agreed on within the

wg to help

  people search the email archives more effectively, namely:

    [w3c sml][minutes] yyyy-mm-dd SML     in subject of email ([minutes]

agreed to, rest chair's convention)

  As with agendas, if minutes are updated include a [ver n] "tag" as well.


n+1. Chair

     After meeting, update good standing list


Received on Monday, 26 November 2007 15:42:17 UTC