- From: Ian Jacobs <ij@w3.org>
- Date: Tue, 23 Apr 2013 22:56:25 -0500
- To: public-site-design@w3.org
Hi all, I forgot to save the minutes with our irc bot; here are the raw notes from today's call. Participants: Dorian Taylor, Ian Jacobs, Troy Allison, Bev Corwin, Kelly McCarthy, Laura Creekmore. Ian ==== [15:34] <Ian> agenda+ Calendar [15:34] * Zakim notes agendum 1 added [15:34] <Ian> agenda+ Draft surveys [15:34] * Zakim notes agendum 2 added [15:35] <Ian> agenda+ analytics [15:35] * Zakim notes agendum 3 added [15:36] <Ian> zakim, take up item 1 [15:36] <Zakim> agendum 1. "Calendar" taken up [from Ian] [15:36] <Ian> http://www.w3.org/wiki/Headlights2013/SiteRedesign/Calendar [15:37] <-- Kelly has quit (Ping timeout: 60 seconds) [15:39] <Ian> -> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-site-design/2013Apr/0005.html [15:39] <Ian> zakim, take up item 2 [15:39] <Zakim> agendum 2. "Draft surveys" taken up [from Ian] [15:41] <Ian> IJ: Should the survey pseudonymize. [15:41] <Ian> bevcorwin: In my experience, I get more responses if anonymous [15:41] <Ian> ...let people choose to identify [15:42] <Ian> http://www.w3.org/wiki/Headlights2013/SiteRedesign/PublicSurvey [15:42] <Ian> Troy: the typical survey rates we've seen (3-12% response rate)... [15:43] <dorian> what about A List Apart or something [15:44] <dorian> zeldman etc [15:44] <dorian> blue beanie posse [15:45] <Ian> Troy: Anonymous if you can't offer an option [15:45] <dorian> agreed, name optional [15:45] <Ian> IJ: Any survey tools to recommend? [15:45] <dorian> we use surveymonkey at iai [15:45] <Ian> Troy: surveymonkey easiest [15:45] <dorian> i don't love it but it's Good Enough(tm) [15:46] <Ian> RESOLVED: anonymous survey. [15:46] <Ian> Kelly: I can help set that up [15:46] <dorian> have you done ad-hoc interviews? [15:46] <dorian> to generate questions? [15:48] <Ian> dorian: The content of the questions.... [15:48] <Ian> http://www.w3.org/wiki/Headlights2013/SiteRedesign/PublicSurvey [15:50] <Ian> http://www.w3.org/wiki/Headlights2013/SiteRedesign/MemberSurvey [15:51] --> lcreekmo (~lcreekmo@team.cloak) has joined #site-design [15:55] <Ian> Kelly: Want questions to be as concrete as possible. [15:55] <dorian> Likert-style questions [15:55] <dorian> ? [15:56] <lcreekmo> q [15:59] <Ian> laura: want broader questions to get out of the obx [15:59] <Ian> http://www.w3.org/wiki/Headlights2013/SiteRedesign/ChairSurvey [16:02] <dorian> q [16:02] <Ian> dorian: Personas? [16:03] <Ian> IJ: When is the right time? [16:04] <Ian> Kelly: We may need to do some archetypal work for the proposal to illustrate audiences. [16:04] <Ian> but real work on "user stories" will need to happen in Phase II [16:04] <Ian> ....real work with teams hired to do the project [16:05] <dorian> been doing work on value proposition [16:05] <bevcorwin> q [16:06] <dorian> http://doriantaylor.com/dissolving-the-redesign , http://doriantaylor.com/shady-derivatives-and-the-business-of-software , http://doriantaylor.com/user-experience-design-the-mirror-image-of-marketing [16:08] <Ian> app developers [16:08] <Ian> implementers of specs [16:08] <Ian> business audiences [16:09] <Ian> designers [16:09] <dorian> it seems like the html world doesn't care much about lod [16:09] <dorian> they wanna make apps [16:10] <Ian> IJ: We will need to redo timing [16:11] <Ian> bevcorwin: Let's ask them if they want to do 1-1 [16:16] <Ian> http://www.surveymonkey.com/pricing/details/ [16:17] <lcreekmo> This is all a good idea. :) [16:17] <Ian> zakim, take up next item [16:17] <Ian> zakim, close item 2 [16:17] <Zakim> agendum 1. "Calendar" taken up [from Ian] [16:17] <Zakim> agendum 2, Draft surveys, closed [16:17] <Zakim> I see 2 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is [16:17] <Zakim> 1. Calendar [from Ian] [16:17] <Ian> zakim, close item 1 [16:17] <Zakim> agendum 1, Calendar, closed [16:17] <Zakim> I see 1 item remaining on the agenda: [16:17] <Zakim> 3. analytics [from Ian] [16:17] <Ian> zakim, take up item 3 [16:17] <Zakim> agendum 3. "analytics" taken up [from Ian] [16:19] <Ian> IJ: Still trying to get this done. [16:21] <Ian> bevcorwin: Can someone go to MIT and do the analysis under NDA? [16:21] <Ian> IJ: I don't think we've considered that [16:21] <dorian> isn't Splunk supposed to be able consume obscene amounts of data [16:22] <dorian> (ps worst name evar) [16:22] <dorian> you probably wouldn't be able to successfully anonymize data [16:22] <dorian> and still have it useful [16:23] <dorian> well, i suppose you could scrub ip and user-agent [16:23] <Ian> bevcorwin: Or do something under NDA? [16:24] <dorian> tibco might have something too [16:25] <dorian> it almost seems as if dealing with analytics is its own major project [16:25] <Ian> topic: Next steps [16:26] <Ian> - survey compilation, review [16:26] <Ian> - next steps analytics [16:26] <Ian> - next call TBD -- Ian Jacobs (ij@w3.org) http://www.w3.org/People/Jacobs/ Tel: +1 718 260 9447
Received on Wednesday, 24 April 2013 03:56:27 UTC