Re: [Conformance] Text Alternatives & User Generated Content Minutes

Hi Janina, Peter and Jeanne,

I'm done with reviewing "User Generated Content".

There were no serious issues, but I found a few editorial issues.

# Comment 1 (Editorial)
In the "WCAG 3 Conformance Section: <a>User Generated Content</a>" section,
in the second bullet item, "disallowal" might be a typo. I can't find the
word in dictionary.

Comment 2 (Editorial)
In the "Editor's Note" of the "User Generated Content" section, it reads
"and now to treat ..." in the second paragraph. It might be "and how to
treat ...".

Comment 3 (Editorial)
In the "Specific guideline recommendations", in the third paragraph,
"istaken from" should be "is taken from".

Comment 4 (Suggestion)
whereever possible, it would be much better and make it easier to
understand to have graphical examples which describe the situation.
Such as:
- content submitted by organizations via the entry-points for
user-generated contributions to a site
- an employee of an entertainment company replying to post by a fan on an
unofficial fan page for an artist who works for that entertainment company
- commentary on hosted content
- product descriptions for consumer to consumer for sale listings
- restaurant reviews

That's all for now. I'll create a list of items we could give bonus points
when scoring.


2021年7月21日(水) 8:45 Sajka, Janina <>:

> Minutes from a Silver Text Alternatives of User Generated Content Ad Hoc
> teleconference of
> Tuesday 20 July are provided here.
> ===========================================================
> *            Discussed how to integrate methods and outcomes that require
> authors
> to prompt and offer help as users upload content that requires text
> alternatives.
> *            Makoto will come up with a proposal taken from ATAG, share
> with the
>               Text Alternatives subgroup, and with Conformance Options
> ===========================================================
> Hypertext minutes available at:
> ===========================================================
>    W3C
> – DRAFT –
> Silver Text Alternatives Ad Hoc
> 20 Jul 2021
>    IRC log.
> Attendees
>    Present
>           jeanne, Makoto, sajkaj
>    Regrets
>           -
>    Chair
>           -
>    Scribe
>           sajkaj
> Contents
> Meeting minutes
>    <PeterKorn>
>    <PeterKorn> @Jeanne - I made a bunch of edits to Janina's first
> "Editor's Note" in the first section of the page, trying to speak to issues
> raised by Cybelle and others, that I'm not particularly happy with. they
>    need more work.
>    <PeterKorn> I wanted to bring your attention to them, to note this text
> is very much a work in progress.
>    <Makoto>
>    pk: presents background ...
>    Makoto: agrees with general notion that a site doing most/all of what
> it can should at least score some minimum
>    jeanne: suggests avoiding scoring values for now
>    Makoto: agrees -- talking about scoring at this time would make things
> more complicated
>    Makoto: offers to review existing methods from atag and come up with a
> "to do" list
>    Makoto: provide popup prompt, help, etc
>    Makoto: once we've created the list, we can order it into steps
>    PeterKorn: or, more sensible to say "text alternatives prompted for:
> ..."
>    PeterKorn: and a separate collection of things to do
>    jeanne: notes outcome is that it is or isn't available, methods do the
> inner steps
>    sajkaj: suggests the outcome "exiswts" would pass bad alt text as well
> as good?
>    PeterKorn: do we ask for it as part of the flow? provide guidance on
> what constitutes good, etc; but not require that the user actually enters
> something
>    jeanne: agrees strongly -- we discussed in atag
>    PeterKorn: so "ext alt available" may not be correct in practice
>    jeanne: in this case it would mean "text alternative mechanism
> available"
>    PeterKorn: so we would have one or more callout under outcomes for ugc
>    jeanne: points to text alternative editable as the place for ugc
>    PeterKorn: text alternative method available
>    jeanne: could actually rename ...
>    PeterKorn: makes sense
>    Makoto: will review this method and suggest next steps
>    jeanne: please feel free to stage whatever you think, makoto!
>    sajkaj: asks about functional breakdown, e.g. decorative, functional vs
> informative, etc
>    jeanne: not yet; we can ednote and ask for feedback
>    Makoto: will also share this topic with ta group
>    PeterKorn: suggests making changes in the wcag draft and ping when
> ready for review
>    PeterKorn: confirms we're aiming still at august wd
>    jeanne: certainly hope so, noting it's late, but maybe
>     Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl
> version 136 (Thu May 27 13:50:24 2021 UTC).
> ----------------------------------
> Janina Sajka
> Accessibility Standards Consultant

Received on Friday, 23 July 2021 12:05:55 UTC