[Conformance] Text Alternatives & User Generated Content Minutes

Minutes from a Silver Text Alternatives of User Generated Content Ad Hoc teleconference of
Tuesday 20 July are provided here.

*            Discussed how to integrate methods and outcomes that require authors
to prompt and offer help as users upload content that requires text
*            Makoto will come up with a proposal taken from ATAG, share with the
              Text Alternatives subgroup, and with Conformance Options

Hypertext minutes available at:



                                                                                                            - DRAFT -
                                                                                                 Silver Text Alternatives Ad Hoc

20 Jul 2021

   IRC log.


          jeanne, Makoto, sajkaj





Meeting minutes

   <PeterKorn> https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/silver/wiki/User_Generated_Content#User_Generated_Content

   <PeterKorn> @Jeanne - I made a bunch of edits to Janina's first "Editor's Note" in the first section of the page, trying to speak to issues raised by Cybelle and others, that I'm not particularly happy with. they
   need more work.

   <PeterKorn> I wanted to bring your attention to them, to note this text is very much a work in progress.

   <Makoto> https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/WCAG3/2020/methods/text-alternative-editable/

   pk: presents background ...

   Makoto: agrees with general notion that a site doing most/all of what it can should at least score some minimum

   jeanne: suggests avoiding scoring values for now

   Makoto: agrees -- talking about scoring at this time would make things more complicated

   Makoto: offers to review existing methods from atag and come up with a "to do" list

   Makoto: provide popup prompt, help, etc

   Makoto: once we've created the list, we can order it into steps

   PeterKorn: or, more sensible to say "text alternatives prompted for: ..."

   PeterKorn: and a separate collection of things to do

   jeanne: notes outcome is that it is or isn't available, methods do the inner steps

   sajkaj: suggests the outcome "exiswts" would pass bad alt text as well as good?

   PeterKorn: do we ask for it as part of the flow? provide guidance on what constitutes good, etc; but not require that the user actually enters something

   jeanne: agrees strongly -- we discussed in atag

   PeterKorn: so "ext alt available" may not be correct in practice

   jeanne: in this case it would mean "text alternative mechanism available"

   PeterKorn: so we would have one or more callout under outcomes for ugc

   jeanne: points to text alternative editable as the place for ugc

   PeterKorn: text alternative method available

   jeanne: could actually rename ...

   PeterKorn: makes sense

   Makoto: will review this method and suggest next steps

   jeanne: please feel free to stage whatever you think, makoto!

   sajkaj: asks about functional breakdown, e.g. decorative, functional vs informative, etc

   jeanne: not yet; we can ednote and ask for feedback

   Makoto: will also share this topic with ta group

   PeterKorn: suggests making changes in the wcag draft and ping when ready for review

   PeterKorn: confirms we're aiming still at august wd

   jeanne: certainly hope so, noting it's late, but maybe

    Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 136 (Thu May 27 13:50:24 2021 UTC).


Janina Sajka
Accessibility Standards Consultant

Received on Tuesday, 20 July 2021 23:44:06 UTC